Here is why you should become a member of the MAGIC GROUP on Facebook :
- You get worldwide magic news in live, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. - We are some thousands, all over the world. - Faster than any blog, forum and other websites. - Picture, article, video, link are directly shared by viewer, creator, author or producer. - There's no specific author, any member is also an "author" whenever he want. - All active members are real peoples with real names. - Our Facebook home feed is a mix of everything, on the Group you'll exclusively find magic stuff. - If someone post something that nobody care, the Facebook feed is made to show the rated posts in first position. - It's a closed Group, only members see posts (we can talk about tricks in details). - The group feed is also avalaible on smartphones. - It's free and you can add your friends on the Group.
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